Now more than ever we must effectively manage our dental teams to accomplish practice goals and retain employees.
Dental HR management is unique because, unlike other small businesses, dental employers are required to maintain licensed staff. During the staffing shortage, it was challenging to find and retain employees. One study indicated that there has been a reduction of 3,300 dental hygienists. (reference: Research reveals the impact of COVID-19 on dental hygienists | American Dental Association ( ) Many hygienists and dental assistants left the profession during the COVID-19 pandemic and have not returned to the field.
Do you feel like you are working FOR your staff instead of working as a TEAM? Do you find yourself covering the same issues repeatedly during staff meetings?
Common questions we address for employers include:
If an employee quits, am I required to pay out unused PTO?
Am I required to pay for the employee’s time spent at a CE event?
If I paid for the employee to participate in additional specialized training, can I get my money refunded if they quit?
How do I legally discipline an employee and maintain a proper audit trail?
If this state is at-will employment, why can’t I simply let someone go if it’s not working out?
Is my employee a 1099 or a W4?
What benefits can I offer without breaking my bank account and yet attract and retain employees?
Can I prohibit employees from discussing how much each other is earning and how much they were paid in bonuses?
What happens if my employee’s RDA or RDH license has lapsed?
If the electricity goes out, can I send employees home or get them to clock out early?
What types of required documentation must I obtain and how long to I keep it on file?
How do I find employees during this staff shortage?
Do you feel like the rules change all the time? Are you looking for another job?
Things we can do to help:
Evaluate the current systems and processes and make recommendations for improvements
Incorporate job descriptions to ensure everyone knows their primary and secondary job duties
Promote a work culture that keeps people engaged and feeling needed and appreciated
Enhance team communication
Provide suggestions on how to deal with narcissistic behavior
What we offer:
We provide several options in assisting you with HR:
Dental HR Consulting and Employers Handbook: This program includes the dental HR employer handbook, personnel forms, and job descriptions. The program also includes a review of any current policies, a live online consultation with the dental practice owner and manager, and a consultation before launching the new policies. We also provide access to a one-hour HR training video. The program includes 4 hours of support.
Dental HR Superstar: This program includes the dental HR employer handbook, personnel forms and job descriptions. It also includes access to the HR training video in addition to an onsite presentation of the course, “From Acceptable to Exceptional – How to Improve Practice Culture.” During the site visit, the consultant will assess current systems in place and make suggestions for improvement and overall efficiency. Includes up to 6 hours of support.
Dental HR Retainer and Annual Renewals: Basically this dental HR program includes a pre-paid block of time. This support time can be spent on making updates to the handbook, provision of support, and addressing any HR issues during the year.
Are you looking for required labor posters at no cost?
Which other employment industries do we support with our HR services?
We have developed handbooks and provide consulting and HR legal services for optometrists, medical practices, privately owned restaurants, and other small businesses.